
Showing posts from 2021

Almost out of the Dog House

Thailand Not that your dog house is not a lovely oasis of comfort and style but to be in the same place for over a year without being able to see friends, family or the random stranger from Adam is quite a hefty challenge. Of course who could have told us that we would be living through a strange and uncertain time such as this. Now that the protocols are being relaxed, travel bans are being lifted as more countries are opening up just in time for the summer months. You are probably looking to make travel plans in the next 6 to 12 months, right? Well, so is everyone else!!  When we finally get the green light to travel freely there will be a huge rush as people are literally bursting at the seams to go somewhere, anywhere... Many of us are just waiting for our long lost and well deserved vacations. We are literally waiting to pull the plug, to go see friends and family that we have not seen in well over a year or more.  But whoa! Don't get trampled in the madness. And don't ge...

Top 8 Bucketlist Destinations

BUCKET LIST One thing for sure, the past year has been an eye opener that has brought a mountain of changes to everyone's lives. We have been forced to rethink all we know and to adapt new habits that we did not even know was possible to do. On top of the fact that wearing face attire has quickly become a fashion trend, our movements have been severely restricted making any opportunity to travel away from home if even for a short blocks feel like a luxury holiday. Suddenly, the nature parks and the local attractions in our neighborhood are seeing more action than they can handle especially during the holiday periods. As the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months, we watched as time quickly went by and now a year has passed. It has now become clear that this pandemic and the changes it brings will be here with us for quite a while. The important thing is to learn to live with the changes and to follow the protocols in place in order to quickly get back to normal life ...