Traveling to Jamaica during Covid-19

It is now the third week of October and the pandemic that we have had to live with and push through does not show any signs of disappearing. We have all being hoping that it would silently fade away much the same as how it had entered our world and affected our daily lives as we knew it back in early March. However, despite all the political promises and the scientific postulations here we are 8 months later still in the throes of the pandemic. We were told of the first wave and we were warned of a second wave and even a third. Life as we knew it has changed dramatically; some people are the better for it, some people are the worst for it. We are reduced to wearing masks to filter the air and even the tiniest molecule of liquid droplet that the air may contain to stop the spread of the virus. Going to the supermarket, the mall, to work, to school are now all dangerous exercises that could get you infected and so we stay at home and watch and communicate with th...