Why A Vacation May Save your Life
Adapted from The Gleaner dated Thursday February 17, 2011 by Features Writer: Karen Blair
Take A Vacation To Save Your Life
You have become allergic to Monday mornings... You don't seem to enjoy work anymore and everything around you stresses you out. Well guess what? You guessed it! You need a vacation!
Experts agree that many persons don't know when it's time to take a vacation and become victims of extreme burnout.
On the other hand some persons are just plain workaholics and the adrenalin rush of meeting deadlines and satisfying bosses is what keeps them alive. Such persons ... they say... are on a slippery slope to complete body malfunction. Their minds and bodies will soon cry for rest and the need for a well-deserved vacation.
That said, there are many advantages to taking a vacation and the most important is that it MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE!
Proven Scientific Research
RESEARCHERS from the State University of New York at Oswego conducted a survey of more than 12,000 men ages 35-57 who had participated in a large heart disease prevention trial. The results suggested that men who took a vacation every year reduce their overall risk of death by about 20% and their risk of death by heart disease by as much as 30%. The effect of a relaxing vacation reduces your stress levels and helps your body to calm down. Most persons will realize that they sleep better on their vacation. Whether it's in a beach chair, a comfortable hotel room or under the stars, your body is allowed to relax when you change pace, focus and scenery.
There are other ways to relax besides sleeping:
- Reading a book by your favorite author
- Listening to music
- Indulging in your favorite hobby
- Doing an activity you have always wanted to do
RELAXATION (from living with my hubby I know) does not have to be slow-paced all the time, so trying a heart racing, adrenalin rushing activity like cliff diving or bungee jumping can also form part of your relaxation exercise.
Another advantage to taking a vacation is getting the chance to spend time alone to connect with your inner self, with your partner to rediscover each other or meeting up with loved ones in large family gatherings. This is quite important if you are to return to work, calm, happy, grounded and re-energized. Take time to reflect on you, your accomplishments, your goals and your desires. Rediscover what makes you happy. Enjoy family.
Educational Benefits
Vacations increase your awareness of the world. They give you an opportunity to go places and see and experience things that you wouldn't normally see. To have this experience it does not mean you have to travel outside of your own country. If you can't afford to travel abroad, make an effort to spend time some place in your country that you have never visited before. Be adventurous. Visit a community you have only simply heard of. Check out museums, parks and attractions right in your hometown or nearby that you don't get a chance to visit often.
Call you Travel Agent
Taking a vacation allows you to boost your spirits, no matter what type of holiday you plan. Breaking away from the routine and deadlines for a week or two will renew your energy and enthusiasm. You will return to work more creative, committed and more focused on your career, your family and friends, even to your own health. So go ahead, clean out your desk, CALL YOUR TRAVEL AGENT, book your vacation and sit back and make your time away count towards a healthier, more productive You.
Call Sunny Vacations at: 396-8713 Email: sunnyvacationsja@live.com
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